Životadárný dech pohledem holistické terapie + dechová cvičení
ak moc jste si vědomi svého dýchání? Myslíte na něj pravidelně nebo spíše nikdy? Obvykle mu člověk nepřikládá velkou důležitost, dokud s ním nemá potíže. Přitom “DECH znamená ŽIVOT i SMRT”Bez kyslíku odumírají buňky našeho těla během několika minut. Dýchání ovlivňuje nejen mozek, ale také všechny...
Bioenergie lidského těla
Energie je vždy prvotní, vše fyzické vzniká až následně.
Každé onemocnění, špatné rozhodnutí nebo jiné životní obtíže, se ještě předtím než se promítnou do fyzického těla, projevují v jeho tělesné energii a již tam, se dají léčit. Energie je vždy prvotní, veškerá fyzická forma vzniká až následně.
Spa treatments for you at home
Those who are not familiar with the chemical names of the ingredients of cosmetics, prefer not to go into details – the list of components on the packaging often resembles a cipher. But with indifference to treat the fact that day after day it appears on your skin is also not quite correct. This material...
Speed Cleaning Tips From Cleaners
Those who are not familiar with the chemical names of the ingredients of cosmetics, prefer not to go into details – the list of components on the packaging often resembles a cipher. But with indifference to treat the fact that day after day it appears on your skin is also not quite correct. This material...
Emergency Cleaning Tips For Your Big Day
Those who are not familiar with the chemical names of the ingredients of cosmetics, prefer not to go into details – the list of components on the packaging often resembles a cipher. But with indifference to treat the fact that day after day it appears on your skin is also not quite correct. This material...
The Benefits of Natural Cosmetics
Those who are not familiar with the chemical names of the ingredients of cosmetics, prefer not to go into details – the list of components on the packaging often resembles a cipher. But with indifference to treat the fact that day after day it appears on your skin is also not quite correct. This material...
Shugaring – Innovation in The World of Depilation
Those who are not familiar with the chemical names of the ingredients of cosmetics, prefer not to go into details – the list of components on the packaging often resembles a cipher. But with indifference to treat the fact that day after day it appears on your skin is also not quite correct. This material...
Those who are not familiar with the chemical names of the ingredients of cosmetics, prefer not to go into details – the list of components on the packaging often resembles a cipher. But with indifference to treat the fact that day after day it appears on your skin is also not quite correct. This material...
Those who are not familiar with the chemical names of the ingredients of cosmetics, prefer not to go into details – the list of components on the packaging often resembles a cipher. But with indifference to treat the fact that day after day it appears on your skin is also not quite correct. This material...